and I am

Madonna (Edvard Munch, 1894)

Madonna (Edvard Munch, 1894)

an oily drop of red and black

illuminates the darkest corner of my being,

strip-stripping my clothing

to my naked heart’s beat-beating.

sunken hopes and shouting thoughts

in the spider’s web are caught,

yet, inviting the other eye to hear and taste

to touch and spread to a different place,

an unlike home than that I gave

but not for me to like or crave

for now the livingness of my chord

plays in another and there it grows…


and I am 

* Join the discussion on Ars Poetica at dVerse~Poets Pub – the one year celebrations!

Posted on July 13, 2012, in art, poem, Poetry, representation, Uncategorized and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. i am glad it found its place to grow….smiles….and sometimes it is a slow stripping away to that in most place….

  2. Yes, I think that inner sojourn is vitally important, it feeds the poetry, allowing us to share something true with another. Lovely!

  3. i like the strip-stripping and beat-beating.. the oily drop that spreads and does its work…

  4. this reads like a deep and true heart-pulse of a poem. enjoyed immensely!

  5. yes sharing poetry is like this =)

  6. Your poem probes the centers of life for the origins of poetry. Surely it does lie there. Enjoyed this.

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